"Ian's Retro Tiles-Puntjak " were specially designed for my city Puntjak Putih. You must use them when you view the city; otherwise it will look a complete shambles. And even if you want to use them for your own original city, you should first open them with Puntjak Putih : otherwise you may have trouble making sense of some of the icons. This tile set is intended for the construction of cities in SCURK.
Ian's Retro Tiles-Puntjak
Download .sit file for Macintosh(400K - complete set)
Download .mif.zip file for Windows(300K - complete set)
The most refined of Java's ancient kingdoms, Puntjak Putih is named for the great volcano that rears above its marble battlements. Crystal waters from the sacred mountain flow through the city's aqueducts, emerging in tinkling torrents from ornate fountains and trickling into the orchards of golden applets that bestow eternal youth. But of late the citizens have felt strange rumblings and shudders that wake them in the night. Oh woe to those who have incurred the wrath of Agni, god of the volcano...
High resolution wide image of Puntjak Putih (1MB)
High resolution close-up image of Puntjak Putih (1MB)
Download Puntjak Putih for Macintosh (55K)
Download Puntjak Putih for Windows (41K)
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