For a number of years the Sarawak Peoples Campaign (or SPC) was a non-profit organization that sought to defend the rights of the indigenous
peoples of Sarawak, Malaysia. It supported social justice, and in particular the right of indigenous peoples to preserve their cultures and ancestral lands.
The Eastern Penan people of northeastern Sarawak were the principal focus of the SPC. The Penans have been resisting the encroachments of timber companies since 1987, when they set up their first blockades on logging roads. International campaigns have already brought much attention to the plight of the Penans, but continuing pressure is needed to restore their land rights and ensure the survival of the remaining tracts of pristine rain forest.
The SPC is no longer active. However, since a good part of its website contains general information about the Penans and their culture, we have decided to retain as an archive those pages which continue to be of interest.